
Meet the Minibeasts

Sarah Ridley

A brilliant and easy-to-understand guide to help young children discover the world of minibeasts.

Become a minibeast expert with this easy-to-understand guide to the wonderful and important creatures that live beside us. Have you ever wondered what the difference between a moth and a butterfly is? Or have you ever thought about how bees live together? This fascinating and comprehensive book for children aged 6+ is full of interesting facts and brilliant photographs. It also features guides to spotting your favourite minibeast in their natural habitats.

Minibeasts covered: ants aphids bees beetles bugs butterflies centipedes cicadas crickets damselflies dragonflies earwigs flies grasshoppers harvestmen millipedes mites moths pond skaters slugs snails spiders termites ticks wasps woodlice worms.


  • Classification : Younger Readers (5-8)
  • Pub Date : JAN 13, 2022
  • Imprint : Wayland
  • Page Extent : 64
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781526307408
  • Price : INR 599

Sarah Ridley

Sarah Ridley (Author) Sarah Ridley has an enduring interest in history, the natural world and many other topics, which has made her work as an editor and writer of children's information books endlessly fascinating. Some of her books have been shortlisted or longlisted for information book awards, including Dear Jelly: Family Letters from the First World War and Suffragettes and the Fight for the Vote. Sarah lives in Colchester with her husband and her student daughter's guinea pigs. Vivian Mineker (Illustrator) Vivian Mineker is a Taiwanese-American illustrator who mainly works with watercolour and gouache. When she's not drawing or painting, you can probably find her outside running around with her dog Darlie, browsing and sniffing at books in bookstores, and occasionally stopping for a cup of coffee or a piece of cake.

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