
Pokémon Fiction Pokémon Unknown

Ash and Pikachu are on their way to school when Tapu Koko the Guardian of Melemele Island makes an appearance. Tapu Koko puts Ash and his friends in charge of a mysterious new Pokémon just as strange things start to happen. Could this unknown Pokémon have anything to do with it?

The latest adventure with Ash and Pikachu!

Can you read them all? Check out the other books in the series:

Book 1: Ash's Big Challenge
Book 2: Pokémon Peril
Book 3: The Orange League
Book 4: Scyther vs Charizard
Book 5: Race to Danger
Book 6: Show Time!
Book 7: Power Up Psyduck
Book 8: The Winner's Cup
Book 9: The Pokémon School
Book 10: Alolan Challenge
Book 11: Adventure on Treasure Island
Book 12: Old Friends New Battles


  • Classification : SFF (Science Fiction & Fantasy)
  • Pub Date : FEB 6, 2020
  • Imprint : Orchard Books
  • Page Extent : 144
  • Binding : PB
  • ISBN : 9781408362860
  • Price : INR 399

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